Of course, the inhabitants of the Trenchscape desperately need the aid of animals - either agriculturally, industrially, or militarily. Whether the continent’s inhabitants knows it or not, these beasts are what ensures the continuation of society, what little there is. Without their aid, all law and civility would have fallen long ago; the continent descending into true anarchy and chaos.
The Bohog
A great leathery beast with a stubborn disposition. While difficult to work with, they are tireless, requiring little food and water, being an optimal creature to ride upon while venturing into the Trenchscape. They resemble massive, hairless, bears, and can have a similar ferocity if confronted. If they bond with a particular person, they become fiercely loyal to that person; sometimes attacking any associates or partners said-person may have.
A great leathery beast with a stubborn disposition. While difficult to work with, they are tireless, requiring little food and water, being an optimal creature to ride upon while venturing into the Trenchscape. They resemble massive, hairless, bears, and can have a similar ferocity if confronted. If they bond with a particular person, they become fiercely loyal to that person; sometimes attacking any associates or partners said-person may have.
The Coyoco
Peculiar creatures found in the Karkenzithe Mountains, commonly used by the native Djenling to traverse the highlands; their thick coats of fur keeping them warm while traveling the snowy mountaintops. This fur is highly prized amongst the Djenling, skilled tailors crafting them into the famous Dzahka hat. They are known to develop robust and varied personalities, no two being quite the same in regards of temperament.
Peculiar creatures found in the Karkenzithe Mountains, commonly used by the native Djenling to traverse the highlands; their thick coats of fur keeping them warm while traveling the snowy mountaintops. This fur is highly prized amongst the Djenling, skilled tailors crafting them into the famous Dzahka hat. They are known to develop robust and varied personalities, no two being quite the same in regards of temperament.
The Drictobeast
Even larger creatures, measuring upwards of 12 feet tall and 15 feet long. Their great strides make traversal extremely quick, making the longest of journeys all the much easier. Them being such large creatures, they can carry a great deal of materials, making them ideal for merchants and traders. This being said, despite their great size, they are very skittish, running away from even the most mild detections of danger. Ancient stories tell that the Drictobeast are ancient relatives of the Harqaa, some being able to communicate with each other.
Even larger creatures, measuring upwards of 12 feet tall and 15 feet long. Their great strides make traversal extremely quick, making the longest of journeys all the much easier. Them being such large creatures, they can carry a great deal of materials, making them ideal for merchants and traders. This being said, despite their great size, they are very skittish, running away from even the most mild detections of danger. Ancient stories tell that the Drictobeast are ancient relatives of the Harqaa, some being able to communicate with each other.
The Ponie
When initially introduced to the continent during the first human migration (Somatic Diviners), the Ponie was once much larger, shrinking down over time, and then exponentially when the Years of Agony began. While small, the Ponie’s stout body is rather strong despite it’s size. This, paired with it’s gentle and calm demeanor, have made it an extremely useful and beloved animal. The Ponie is perhaps the most common animal one could find while journeying across the Trenchscape. So loved is this creature, some communities have banned the very act of harming it.
When initially introduced to the continent during the first human migration (Somatic Diviners), the Ponie was once much larger, shrinking down over time, and then exponentially when the Years of Agony began. While small, the Ponie’s stout body is rather strong despite it’s size. This, paired with it’s gentle and calm demeanor, have made it an extremely useful and beloved animal. The Ponie is perhaps the most common animal one could find while journeying across the Trenchscape. So loved is this creature, some communities have banned the very act of harming it.
The Thoroughbred
The descendants of an interbreeding between horses brought during the second human migration (Idromen) and a now extinct beast that once roamed the continent; the Thoroughbred is an animal both heavily revered and heavily feared. These creatures have been bred specifically for warfare, leading them to be extremely aggressive. They have been known to shrug off bullet wounds, charging against any aggressor they face against - either kicking them with their hooves, or biting at the aggressor’s neck. Most horrifyingly, they can subsist off of meat, even the flesh of the dead can sustain them. Folklore amongst the trenches say theses creatures are not true beasts, but in fact demons from the depths Hell.
The descendants of an interbreeding between horses brought during the second human migration (Idromen) and a now extinct beast that once roamed the continent; the Thoroughbred is an animal both heavily revered and heavily feared. These creatures have been bred specifically for warfare, leading them to be extremely aggressive. They have been known to shrug off bullet wounds, charging against any aggressor they face against - either kicking them with their hooves, or biting at the aggressor’s neck. Most horrifyingly, they can subsist off of meat, even the flesh of the dead can sustain them. Folklore amongst the trenches say theses creatures are not true beasts, but in fact demons from the depths Hell.