Besieged by the several-hundred years of perpetual warfare known as the Years of Agony, the world of Entrenched stagnates; the once luscious lands of the old continent now reduced to the muddy scars of trench networks, craters, and seas of blood.
Warlords beset upon one another, the corpses of the slain piling high like mountains. Great and terrible monsters patrol the lands, terrorizing both the city and the wild. Far below the surface, profaned temples lie dormant; swelling with hellish energies. The dead walk amongst the living and the lines between angel and demon are blurred.
It is within this accursed trenchscape you are tasked to survive and manage, fending off hunger, thirst, and the bullet. Death will be an eternal companion, following you and your associates. Rash decision making will lead to your downfall; if not dealing you with death, then scarring you physically or mentally.
Will you rise to the challenge, or falter and perish?
Entrenched is a tabletop RPG system I have been working on for a good number of years, initially being a continuation of a Dungeons and Dragons setting my friends and I had been crafting for about a year. Sated by many previous years of creating medieval fantasy settings, I wanted to explore storytelling and world building from a wholly new angle - which is when I discovered more about the Great War (both through a friend showing me the Death Korps of Krieg and my girlfriend playing Battlefield 1 with me). Learning about the Great War got the ball rolling, and I spent countless hours researching the general time period that encompassed the first half of the 20th century.
I mainly based Entrenched off of my research on the Great War, the Russian Civil War, and the Chinese Warlord Period; with some sprinklings from the Second World War and other conflicts like the Soviet-Afghan War.
Trench Knight - a mysterious warrior who traverses the Trenchscape performing good acts for the defenseless, preaching a message of hope, perseverence, and stoicism. This piece I am planning on using for a cover for the Entrenched game manual.
There are many gods within the Trench Pagan faith, one god acting as patron of Tank-Hunters. Once the battle rifle of an “Old Soldier”, it was found on the north western peaks of the Karkenzithes - across the Spear Mountains. It became tradition for tank hunters to undertake a pilgrimage to this peak - offering a single bullet of their gun as payment for luck in the next battle.
A map of the main continent, Sucra-Loca. Not many people know of lands outside their own settlements as maps are hard to come by and those willing to venture out to create these maps are even harder to find. Maps to this scale are exceedingly rare and valuable.