Before it became what is now - Entrenched used to be a very different idea. Initially, it was going to feature the traditional fantasy races like Dwarves, Elves, and Orcs - but after some consideration, I decided I wanted to make the setting truly my own! I had gone into planning, creating size charts, a bestiary, and some basic weapons. While some of the information is not canon to the current aspect of the game - it does have an important basis to the current setting.
Before it became what is now - Entrenched used to be a very different idea. Initially, it was going to feature the traditional fantasy races like Dwarves, Elves, and Orcs - but after some consideration, I decided I wanted to make the setting truly my own! I had gone into planning, creating size charts, a bestiary, and some basic weapons. While some of the information is not canon to the current aspect of the game - it does have an important basis to the current setting.